Friday, September 19, 2008

September 19th - Where does the time go?

Once again, this week has flown by and I am just sitting down to right a few words. It has been busy with work and I have not had the time to devote to some of our adoption endeavors and goals. Weeks like this tend to discourage me as I would like to be able to fully devote my time to the pursuit of finding our little one. However, I do think that balance and realizing that I can not control every aspect of the adoption process is important. To update, I mentioned in a previous posting that we had submitted our profile for a potential opportunity however, this opportunity did not pan out as many do not. There were several complications with the birthmother that would not have made it a good situation. Additionally, it was a very expensive situation. With domestic adoption, the costs can vary significantly so, unfortunately this aspect has to be taken into consideration. Nonetheless, we are still pressing toward the goal and staying encouraged.

I will write more in the day next or two, but for now, I wanted to at least provide a quick update.

Thank you for continued support along our journey!

Christy and Malcolm

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