Friday, October 3, 2008

October 3rd - Nothing is Impossible!

Luke 1:37: “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.”

This week has been somewhat discouraging on the adoption front. It is not that any one particular event happened to result in my feelings of discouragement, but probably lack of progress or what seems like progress. Therefore, I (we) are focusing on the fact that NOTHING is impossible with God. Also, at times like today, when the well seems dry, I always reflect on what my good friend who is an awesome spin instructor always tells me – “move a muscle, change of thought” (or some variation of this saying). I think she just says this phrase to me so, I will sign up for her grueling spin classes. I digress for a minute here – I do have to admit that I think spinning for an hour is harder than running 16 miles. Malcolm has taken a few of her classes and he even admits that they are hard however, I do not know if he would admit that to her (his secret is out now.J).

One of the agencies we are working with sent a communication piece out this week stating that it has been slow …….. there are not many birthmothers/parents seeking an adoption plan at this time. I know this has been a trend for some time given the availability of alternatives to birthmothers/parents such as abortions and the morning after pill. It just breaks my heart that women (and men) that make this choice probably do not know just how many couples are out there that would do anything to adopt their unborn child. I am well aware of the various circumstances that could lead to such choices and not judging anyone for making that choice. However, my prayer and plea is that women (and men) that are considering this choice would have the opportunity to learn of the many couples and families wanting to adopt a child(ren). I feel like the politicians and lobbyists do not vocalize this downside of abortion. Adoption is another way to show the abounding grace of our Father. He blesses one mother/couple by providing an avenue to bless another couple who can’t have biological children or simply want to adopt a child. From the start, it might not seem like a blessing for the birth mothers/parents that are in a crisis situation and have to make the difficult choice to choose adoption for their child, but in the end his grace prevails and the peace and healing resulting from adoption certainly trumps the other alternative. I certainly hope this does not come across as judgmental, but I just want to get the word out that there are many waiting adoptive families!!

On another note, it is a beautiful day in Virginia and weekend to come is supposed to be just as spectacular! I absolutely love the Fall in Virginia with the changing leaves! I will have to take some pictures and share them with you all. Also, I am going to add a section for recipes – one of my stress relievers – baking! I love the fall recipes – banana and pumpkin breads, apple pies, etc. ….. I have to be careful though, because we both have a raging sweet tooth and they can get out of control. J

Thank you all for your continued support along our journey!

With much love,
Christy (and Malcolm)

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