Sunday, November 23, 2008

November 23rd - He is Mighty

I hope this post finds everyone doing well and getting into the holiday spirit.

In follow-up to our last post, we did complete the marathon last weekend (November 15th). It ended up being a very humid, hot (not by my standards though), and windy day. The winds were pounding against us from Mile 20 to Mile 26. Overall, the weather was not ideal marathon weather, but we finished....finally!! I have to say that I never truly hit that point where I felt like I was in the "clear" so to speak. It wasn't until Mile 25 that I knew I was going to finish it running. I did continue to recite songs, verses and motivation phrases through my head as I went along the course. I prayed a lot for our baby to come to us so, that also kept me going - I was on a mission. I do have to share one funny story on my account. At about Mile 13, there was some kids handing out Snickers and Twix bars (probably left over from Halloween, but I didn't care) and I took one of each as my sports beans didn't sound appealing anymore. I ate the Twix bar and decided to hang on to the Snickers bar for a bit down the road. After a few more steps down the road, I dropped the Snickers bar and kept running for a bit more. All of a sudden (you are sometime thinking very coherently at this point or maybe I was), I realized I left good chocolate behind and turned around, ran back about .25 of a mile and picked up the Snickers bar. Several other runners saw me, laughing and stated that I must not have been very concerned about my time. :) All in all, it was a good day.... best part was crossing the finish line, of course!

On the adoption front, this past week I had an awe inspiring moment in my Ladies small group. We were studying just how Mighty God is and that we at times tend to underestimate what he can do. We were sharing times in our lives where he far exceeded our expectations. I realized that we tended to do that with our adoption journey. With that said, our prayer request is that God will bring us our baby by Christmas of this year. We would so appreciate your prayers in this regard. We know he can do Mighty things - far beyond our understanding and imaginations. We also realize that if it doesn't happen .... it is all in his plan and the timing is not right. For now, our prayer is that it will happen by Christmas and that we will be holding our child at Christmas.

Below is the chorus from one of my favorite songs - Mighty to Save - I think it speaks volumes.

My Saviour, He can move the mountains,My God is Mighty to save,He is Mighty to save.Forever, Author of salvation,He rose and conquered the grave,Jesus conquered the grave. Shine your light and let the whole world see,We're singing for the glory of the risen King...Jesus.

We miss you all!! Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love,Christy and Malcolm

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